Local time → 07:37:16 AM


An expansive digital narrative designed to enhance the European debut of Capcom's dystopian game, Remember Me.

Collaborating with Bigballs Films, we crafted a digital journal and storyboard featuring exclusive content tailored for a social media audience. Recognising the limitations of a linear narrative for such an expansive project, we delved into innovative approaches to capture and navigate a stranger's memories. The project's success hinged on seamlessly integrating the audience into the unfolding experience.

We designed a world that felt familiar. Visually, we wanted the progression from present day to 2085, when the game is set to feel believable. The user experience progresses much the same as a memory does.

The user experience mirrored the progression of a memory, with an overarching story weaving through the entire journey. However, we sought to make each user's experience unique, punctuated by audio snippets, film clips, and images.

We curated a mix of photography and video content, while directly pulling other elements from the user's Facebook feed.

Within a month, Antoine's Journal garnered over 500,000 views across various devices, with active users spending an average of 15 minutes engaging with the site.

  • Bigballs

Within a month, Antoine's Journal garnered over 500,000 views across various devices, with active users spending an average of 15 minutes engaging with the site.

Contact ↓


81 Rivington Street London EC2A 3AY

hello@andagain.uk0207 088 8379


The Plaza, 100 Old Hall Street Liverpool L3 9QJ

hello@andagain.uk0207 088 8379